We all know that in life we go through seasons, and that each season brings with it different joys and difficulties. Pregnancy is no different. Your life is drastically changing on a daily basis and you never know what the next day holds.
When I was pregnant with our oldest son, Benjamin, I was so anxious for the day when I would go from looking frumpy to actually looking pregnant. When that day came I was overjoyed, I loved my "baby bump!" I was however unaware at the time how that little bump would drastically change my life. Over the next few months that bump made tying my shoes a bit harder and pretty soon I couldn't see my shoes to tie them at all. I was giddy with excitement when I felt him move for the first time and was less than pleased when I found out that my not so little baby had cracked my rib while still in utero.
No matter what season of life I find myself in I know that it is just that, a season. While my boys were little I was sure I would be stuck in the season of nursing, diapers and potty training FOREVER!!
Now I look back and wish that I had treasured those moments a little bit more. I didn't realize that nursing babes eventually wean and that the joy that comes from tinkling in the big-boy potty is no longer found when they are 10.
So I resolve to enjoy the season that I find myself in today. I will be greatful for the good weather and the bad. I will find the joy that comes with each new season.
When I was pregnant with our oldest son, Benjamin, I was so anxious for the day when I would go from looking frumpy to actually looking pregnant. When that day came I was overjoyed, I loved my "baby bump!" I was however unaware at the time how that little bump would drastically change my life. Over the next few months that bump made tying my shoes a bit harder and pretty soon I couldn't see my shoes to tie them at all. I was giddy with excitement when I felt him move for the first time and was less than pleased when I found out that my not so little baby had cracked my rib while still in utero.
No matter what season of life I find myself in I know that it is just that, a season. While my boys were little I was sure I would be stuck in the season of nursing, diapers and potty training FOREVER!!
Now I look back and wish that I had treasured those moments a little bit more. I didn't realize that nursing babes eventually wean and that the joy that comes from tinkling in the big-boy potty is no longer found when they are 10.
So I resolve to enjoy the season that I find myself in today. I will be greatful for the good weather and the bad. I will find the joy that comes with each new season.